Monday, August 14, 2006

Yahoo takes a mighty slurp at the web!

Yahoo's search bot "Yahoo Slurp" is apparently going on a web rampage. The Yahoo Bot functions as a "crawler" (but by the looks of it they should change that to "web Stomper") as its activity on indexing web pages dramatically picks up. Leo Laporte of has said on the Latest Edition of TWiT (TWiT 66: A little dab'll do ya) that Yahoo Slurp pounded over 100 megs out of! Is Yahoo preparing to release a "google killer". Did buying bandwith junkie Flickr teach the company a lesson, or maybe it was just angry shareholders (you would be surprised how many descisions are made in the Tech Industry due to angry share holders "The Growth is not sufficient!"). Hmmm... Yahoo takes on Google, Yahoo defeats Google, Google fades into pitiful existence? NEVER! The probability that Yahoo defeats Google is probably less than the probability that 42 is the meaning of Life The Universe and everything! (see "the hitchikers guide to the galaxy")

Coming soon on Beta is the New Black: A new email address that when you email to it, your email will appear on an RSS feed. It's called "Social Mail" and its provided by the folks at "Big in Japan". They made "the web 2.0 toolkit". Go check it out!

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