Friday, August 18, 2006

The Meaning of Web 2.0 (In one word!)

After some deliberation between the time i started this blog and my previous post, i think the meaning, or at least one word to sum it all up, of web 2.0 has been found. The word is (drum roll please)....Social! Think about it, when you tag a photo on Flickr, you make a social gesture by being kind enough to tag it, making it easy for the community to find. Most websites involved with the web 2.0 boom have incorporated social networking features. is a social bookmarking site. Blogging, podcasting, and other forms of new media are social activities. Placing cool animations and logos on your site make it pleasing to the eye, better for the community to see, and there is no denying that the community is a social entity. Making software Open Source (which has been around before web 2.0 but has grown during web 2.0 significantly) and making API's public to allow mashups is a social activity as the community embraces these two things. has been described by Kevin Rose, its creator, as a social news site. There you have it, the meaning, or at least one word to sum it up, of web 2.0 is social.

Please comment on this post, comments only make the blog a better website. Also, nobody is using our social mail address. The address is Email to it for YOUR ideas to appear in those feed: Its there for you, the community, go grab it!

1 comment:

fire said...

to me web 2.0 was about making you site look pretty and then social was a close second but with more and more sites do a lot of social i see you point too bad most of them dont have a business plan.